Based in the Garden State of New Jersey, Forin is an Indian-born (foreign) American artist, determined to make his way into hip-hop. Inspired by the production of his 'spirit artist',  Kanye west, Forin aims to use minimalism and complexity simultaneously in his work. After coming to the US in 2004 with an Indian music deeply-rooted in him, Forin felt an instantaneous connection with hip-hop. He recalls listening to "Good Life" on his high school bus radio, and not comprehending what was being said.  Though English is his second language, Forin was quickly able to learn after a year of taking ESL.

Being dissatisfied with the production forced Forin to began his journey of learning production. Despite the complexity in his production, noviceness can be heard in his style. Forin comes without any musical learning background but he will continue to prove music can be learned, no matter how complex, and that hip hop artists/producers should not feel confined, as they are more capable than what others credit them to be.

After a long hiatus consisting of vigorously studying music through trial and error, Forin releases his debut project “Vertigo” in March of 2022, approximately a year after releasing his first beat tape “Strange Musik”.  “Vertigo” is an attempt to incorporate various sub-genres including classical, indian classical, ambient, boom bap, and Chicago drill music to ultimately bring together the music into the rich culture of hip-hop, all while staying true to his identity as an Indian-American. The self-produced project encompasses concepts of everyday life including human greed, violence, existentialism, and faith in a higher being, to collectively bring hope and revive reality-based music into hip-hop once again. 

  1. VERTIGO (3/11/22)


"First of, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to check out FORIN's website. If you do decide to listen to the album, I truly appreciate you for spending 35 mins of your time to engage in the experience. I have been working on this for the last 4 years so it truly means a lot to have people listen to it. Please feel free to reach out  (my socials are at the bottom) for anything that you may want to say, discuss, things that you liked/disliked about the project and what you think could be better, or if i can help you in any sort of way as a musician. 

I called this album ‘Vertigo’ is because, sonically all the tracks have quite a different sound to them and it may be almost sound a little confusing to the listener at first, but I know that it will be a good challenge for someone who is actively paying attention to the music. Conceptually, the title ‘vertigo’ felt right to me because everyday life to me feels confusing a lot of the times and to me its a really good thing because there’s a lot of freedom in the confusion and uncertainty, as long as decisiveness follows it. Also, since vertigo is a fear of heights, it relates to the personal thought that as I get older it feels like I’m climbing a mountain or a ladder and at the same time the higher I go, feelings such as anxiety and fear keep on increasing, as the conscience often asks if you’re doing everything right. This was an attempt to relate to that feeling and ultimately affirming that daily life is confusing and if you aren’t feeling scared from time to time then you aren’t living it hard.

To discuss the music, my main intention for this album was to incorporate different genres into hip hop seamlessly. I feel that hip hop is the best genre because it has the power to be everything but it’s still it’s own entity. Being really influenced by artist like Kanye, I wanted to create something that was not minimal but not too complex either. 

Without further ado, proceed to the listening expierence.